Medicare IRMAA CalculatorTM
For Investment Professionals ( 1 payment per year)
1 Yearly payment of $695
Unlimited Clients
Unlimited Reports
Multiple Scenarios Per Report
Medicare IRMAA CalculatorTM
For Investment Professionals (12 payments per year)
12 monthly payments of $75 per year
Unlimited Clients
Unlimited Reports
Multiple Scenarios Per Report
The IRMAA presentation is nothing short of a game changer. The data provided is highly motivational to clients to take action on life insurance and annuity purchases to avoid future taxation and costs. I specialize in premium financing for rising affluent clients and this additional information creates even more urgency to move away from the traditional qualified plan approach to retirement. As fiduciaries for our clients, once you know this information, it is imperative that you share it with everyone you meet. “Knowledge is power,” as they say, and this information is as powerful as it gets in motivation clients to reevaluate their current path.
Lyndon J. ClarkCFP®, ChFC, CLU, AAMS, RICP
I have never seen anything that affects so many of our clients so profoundly, that no one knows about. None of the retirement planning software out there covers this – the calculations are too complex and have to be redone every year, so they skip it – the largest single expenditure for most people in retirement - and they skip it. This will open a lot of doors, both with clients AND CPAs.
Edgar P. Roberts, Jr.